Privacy Statement
Your personal information is important to me and I want you to know the following:
1. I will never share your information with any 3rd parties unless I believe there maybe a risk to yourself or someone else, this information will only be passed to professional bodies such as the police, NHS or local authorities in case of emergency
2. Any personal data which comes under GDPR will only be held for the length of the therapy, normally 21 days. If I need to keep it for longer I will ask for your written consent. Any data collected from other services such as this website, other online sources including my training platform and social media will only be used to communicate with you around related services and you can opt out at any time
3. I am registered with the ICO and conform to full data protection
4. If you have any queries on how I hold or use your personal data please email
Please be assured your personal and private data is secured.
Terms and Conditions
As the “Client” (and if applicable “Guardian”), the following terms apply to any transaction in regards to services:
Make Your Life Count and its agents, employees and contractors, including without limitation Marcus Matthews (collectively, Your Therapist or Provider) ARE NEITHER TRAINED MENTAL HEALTH PROVIDERS NOR MEDICAL PRACTITIONERS, but has undertaken professional training by the Marisa Peer Method School whom are authorised to certificate me in the practice of Hypnotherapy and Rapid Transformational Therapy™ (RTT™).
You as the client are responsible for ensuring you are medically fit before undergoing any holistic therapy.
As the client you should consult the advice of your GP or other professional medical practitioner before considering the services provided by Your Therapist, which may include hypnotherapy, Rapid Transformational Therapy™ (RTT™) and other services and treatment (collectively, “Services”). People with Epilepsy or any person diagnosed as having a psychotic illness should not enter hypnosis.
The information, techniques, methods and recommendations by your therapist are not intended to substitute the diagnosis and care of a qualified doctor nor to encourage the treatment of illness by persons not recognisably qualified.
If you use hypnosis and are under medical care for any condition, do not make any adjustments to any prescribed medication without the approval of your doctor. If in any doubt, you should seek medical advice.
Your Therapist has taken due care and attention with the information provided at this and any continuing therapy session and information is given in good faith.
The information given is not intended to constitute medical advice. Always consult your GP before changing medications and evaluating treatment alternatives.
Your therapist does not accept responsibility for any loss, damage or expense resulting from the use of information provided.
You agree to indemnify and hold us harmless by signing and agreeing to these conditions.
As the client you are agreeing to undergo a program of therapy which is complementary in nature and you will use this as instructed and understand that as the client you are responsible for working with your therapist and that results cannot be guaranteed.
If you have any concerns pre or post session you must first contact your therapist and GP.
Your therapist does not offer the services or treatment of a licensed physician, psychologist or psychiatrist, nor is licensed to practice psychology, and does not claim to offer any service which would be described as any form of psychometrics or psychometry services.
Services provided by provider are non-diagnostic and are not licensed, however I am a member of the CNHC which holds practitioners and therapists to the highest standards as prescribed by the Professional Standards Agency.
Provider disclaims all statements, representations, warranties, agreements or promises regarding the use or benefits of the services, whether made by the provider, its clients, employees, agents, or contractors.
Participating in the services does not guarantee success, and the provider makes no representation or guarantee through client’s participation in the services.
All information on the provider website or included in statements, testimonials or materials made or distributed by or on behalf of provider are for informational purposes only and are not intended to be relied on by client or to constitute a representation of the effects or benefits of the services.
Physical, Online and Virtual Sessions – Expectation Summary
Hypnotherapy and in particular Rapid Transformational Therapy is a unique method that typically requires 1 – 3 sessions to resolve most deeply-rooted issues.
RTT uses hypnosis which is a completely safe, natural, and relaxing process where you will remain in control throughout the duration of your session.
During RTT we will looked to find the root cause, which may include going back to several memories in order to uncover where, when, how, and why you developed your presenting issue/problem.
This insight will help you to gain a deeper understanding of the root, the cause, and the reason for your problem/issue.
Please understand that you play an active role in the successful outcome of your session(s).
You must be motivated to change and follow through with the process. RTT is not meant to be a substitute for the advice or care of a qualified medical professional.
All information presented or recommended by your therapist is meant for educational purposes only.
To protect your privacy, all client data is kept strictly confidential. Please ensure you have read the GDPR Consent document supplied.
Key Points
Before taking part in your session(s), please ensure:
1. That you do not suffer from epilepsy.
2. That you will be free from the influence of drugs or alcohol during the course of your session.
3. That you provide your therapist with the correct address of your online location.
4. That the environment around you is safe and will remain distraction free.
5. That you provide your therapist with a phone number or other means of communication to
contact you with in the case of a technology failure.
6. That you provide me with a third-party emergency contact number.
By following the client intake process as the “Client” (and if applicable “Guardian”), you agree to:
Freely and voluntarily choose to participate in the Services provided by my Therapist.
Participation may include unknown negative reactions and you the client/guardian, accept any and all risks for any adverse
reactions that I may have.
Understand that participants with certain health conditions such as:
Epilepsy and diagnosed Mental Health illnesses are not recommended to participate in the Services without seeking medical advice and as the provider take no responsibility if as the client you have not taken this advice or chosen to ignore professional medical advice.
You will represent that you have no such health conditions that would prevent me from safely participating in the Services.
ALL SUCH RISKS associated with the Services, known or unknown, including without limitation injury, illness, death, and/or other adverse reactions.
As the client/guardian accept such risks associated with the services, including yourown physical condition and the actions or conduct of others that I may come into contact with after participating in the services.
You understand that by participating in the services, you may experience emotional personal memories.
ASSUMING ALL SUCH RISKS, YOU HEREBY RELEASE, WAIVE ANY AND ALL CLAIMS AGAINST, WILL NOT SUE AND WILL HOLD HARMLESS the provider, its owners, members, managers, officers, employees, agents or representatives, from all actions, omissions, causes of action, suits, debts, damages, losses, judgements, injuries, liabilities, and claims and demands whatsoever, in law or in equity (collectively, “Claims”), including without limitation personal injury and death, emotional distress, indirect damages, consequential damages or exemplary damages, even though such claims may be caused by or result from the negligence or carelessness of such released parties.
You agree that this waiver and release binds me and my heirs, distributes, guardians, legal representatives, successors and assigns.
Further, you agree to indemnify, protect, defend and hold harmless Provider, its owners, members, managers, officers, employees, agents and representatives, from and against all claims arising from or in connection to my involvement or participation in the services offered by provider.
By signing this document your normal rights which are provided to you within law are not affected, but you agree that you understand that you enter into this contract understanding the information provided to you and do so in fully understanding what the provider is offering to you.