You upgrade your computer OS, why not your minds OS
"Many people struggle with life and sometimes feel helpless and need to gain more clarity about why their life is not fulfilled"
In my struggle to live an abundant life, I managed reach crisis point, had a breakdown, I got sectioned and entered the mental health system.
As a police officer my job was to help people like me, but after the breakdown, I just became another mental health statistic.
I decided the way forward was not pills and talking about my problems, no one understood what I was going through, how could they?
I started on a mission to find another way, a better way, I found Rapid Transformational Therapy by world famous therapist Marisa Peer and from that point forward my life changed in such an extraordinary way.
I lived in the ‘The Middle’, the place where 95% of people live, not poor, not rich, not quite surviving but certainly not thriving.
When I was young, I had dreams
What I didn’t know was that from the moment I was conceived my life was already laid out in front of me, my breakdown had been written years, decades before it happened.
You see your subconscious mind is always listening, and because it is being programmed without you knowing, by the people in your environment, parents, teachers, friends etc. The tribe is teaching you to conform to their rules as their environment did before them.
We need 2 things - To Make Connection and Avoid Rejection
Quite simply that when we are young we dream, we are creative – subconscious mind
As we grow up the need to fit in and survive takes over our dreams – conscious mind
A child riding a broom, truly believes that broom is a horse.
There is no time for dreaming, we need to survive,
happiness is just a bonus.
We don’t want to be rejected so we do as we are asked.
The problems comes when your environment changes and you have not got the programming to deal with that environment.
As we start to move into adulthood, to our conscious, logical, transactional mind we start to write new programs based on our ever-changing environment.
Think as your body as a computer and between 0 and 8 years old you are building your operating system with the basic packages you need to survive in the world, walking, talking, eating, developing your social skills.
Fast forward to adult life and new experiences and new environmental changes, if those changes are too extreme, too much, you start to feel anxious, sick, stressed, angry, worthless.
Quiet simply we start to feel less and start to use logic more, so if our subconscious environment and conscious environment are so far removed, we get conflict.
We are now starting to run an outdated operating system and trying to install new incompatible programs.
Anyone who has a computer knows that at some point it starts to slow down, so you may have to rebuild it, upgrade it.
When did you last upgrade your subconscious?
When people are suffering with not feeling enough, that they are different, that things aren’t available to them, they become confused, upset, anxious, depressed, worse they can even think of ending their lives. I did all of those.
I have been there, and all of those things are not driven by logic, they are driven by feelings, emotions, they all live in the subconscious mind, in the operating system that you don’t have direct access to change without help.
When people break, we often say they crash and that is exactly what happens, the programs we are running in our conscious, logical mind start to conflict with our operating system.
We live 1 - 5% of the time in our logical mind, which means the rest of the time we are run by our subconscious and if you have a bad operating system, which will win, logic or emotion?
Therefore, we FEEL
bad, we FEEL
not enough, our subconscious is in charge and we can’t control it.
Today we take pills, we talk about our issues, but this doesn’t fix the operating system, it attempts to fix the presenting problem, the program we wish to run, the program is fine, it’s the operating system that is broken. Why do we have a mental health crisis, quite simply we are trying o fix the wrong thing.
This is why as a Rapid Transformational Therapist I love the work I do now, I am a Master Programmer and I show you the reason why your programs aren’t working with your operating system and together we upgrade you, give you control and make your mind
compatible with your dreams again forever.
Marcus Matthews - Make Your Life Count