Stick with me because the start of this blog may seem a little weird but this is a true story and I wrote it to demonstrate that when something happens that makes no sense, months, years later you come to realise the significance of a moment.
About 18 months ago I worked with a colleague on some blocks and whilst under hypnosis I got a scene. That scene was me as a baby elephant following my mother - told you this might sound weird.
The scene felt real and there was a belief I was not safe - needleless to say, that session would lead to me to understanding that for me to live my purpose, I needed to leave the police and become a fulltime therapist.
What happened two days ago would bring that session forward and give a new context.
Often the reason why we don't believe something is possible, is because we are blinded by our subconscious programming. Our reality is simply the result of experiences, attached to feelings which, when repeated, become who we believe we are.
Elephant Facts
So what's my point?
Are many of these things not human characteristics?
Given that premise, let me tell you about a dream I had. I don't know if I have read this, heard this or it actually appeared in a dream, but I do believe from my research this story is true.
In India cows are sacred so unlike in other countries they do not work the land, instead elephants do all the work, but how can these huge intelligent creatures who could easily kill a man become subservient?
When the elephants are young they are tied to a post by one leg, cruel but this is common practice and as you can imagine just like a toddler who doesn't do as they are told, they pull and try to break free, not wanting to conform by the rules. Overtime they are fed, watered and learn not to pull, because when they comply the tight noose becomes looser. They don't realise this but what they learn is the more they fight the less they get, so they trade freedom for the comfort of not being in pain.
As this process continues over weeks and months their reactions become subconscious, their trade offs, become less of a trade off, or a logic process but a subconscious knowing that to stay safe and connected the rope gives them comfort. Eventually the rope is replaced by a reed, this reed can easily be broken, but the elephant has no power. The elephants story has been changed. It now sees it's captor as someone who offers it, basics needs, food, purpose, shelter and maybe love, as many owners see the elephants as essential in doing their work.
Yet should the situation change and the elephant gets a new owner who does not provide these needs, will the elephant run back to nature, back to it's family. No it has become conditioned over time, it's story has changed.
Are you not the elephant, as a child did you not struggle until you learnt that you had to give up your freedoms in return for connection?
Are you not the elephant, who learnt that you had to give up your freedoms in return for a wage to help you live?
Are you not the elephant, who once had purpose but now feel trapped, abandoned and hurting?
Like the elephant you are powerful, you are free to run away and find a new life, a better life, but the stories you attach to the feelings you tell yourself everyday are represented by the reed around the elephants leg. The familiar feeling that keeps you trapped. Logically you should feel different, but emotionally you are trapped.
Now we don't know if the elephant was told it could change at anytime whether it would.
We don't know if it would choose faith over fear, to reconnect to it's natural state.
We do know that animals born in the wild, with help and guidance can be re-naturalised.
So if an animal can find their freedom again with the right help, what's stopping you?
Who do you need to help you find the root cause of that feeling that is keeping you trapped?
"I believe everyone should live a fulfilled and happy life and when you remove the destructive feelings you attach to the stories you tell yourself everyday, in one session and no more than three you can start your journey back to being who you were naturally created to be -
Marcus Matthews
If you want to start that journey then I've extended my offer below until the end of December, so don't be a captured elephant.
Learn what is holding you back then with my help, let me help you find freedom again - Use code
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