You can be whole again

Marcus Matthews • 25 August 2022

When your life feels fragile and broken you can be whole again

Kerry katona

It's 1030 am on a muggy Wednesday morning and I am stood with my good friend Joanna Scott-Aspray, from The Cheshire Club.

Next to us a tall wall with big wooden gates, guarding an amazing millionaire mansion in South Cheshire.

I am about to meet one of the founding members of 90's girl band Atomic Kitten.

I've been fortunate in my former careers to meet many celebrities, but this meeting was so exciting because I know how passionate Kerry is about mental health.

Kerry Katona's life has been well documented in the press since a very early age, but I was really interested to get to know the real person and I wasn't disappointed.

A genuine, amazing, sweet women greated us with open, loving arms and as we entered Kerry's kitchen, we spent far too much time fussing Kerry's fur babies, but finally we sat down for a chat.

Grasping the oppotunity and knowing what a powerful spirit Kerry is we dove straight in.

Her reaction was everything I dreamed of.

"Words are powerful and your mind is listening" - Marisa Peer

One of the most powerful things I give to my clients are insights.

Insights really are a way in which we start to recognise how we perceive ourselves in the world and it wasn't that long ago the perception of myself led me to believe the world, my family, work, my wife would be better off without me.

The words I spoke, the stories I created, which I attached to false feelings, created my world and unlearning who I was has been a long painful journey.

But with those insights I help my clients get those breakthroughs quicker, I show them how powerful their words are and how powerful their mind, body, soul and spirit is and that thrills me.

Who'd have thought that when the universe kicked me to the point of nearly giving up, it was all part of a bigger plan of helping extraordinary people change their lives.

This was something Kerry and I agreed on, whilst we sipped coffee, laughed and realised we had the same audible book list.

Information is important and taking action is important, but without doubt insight and understanding why we feel the way we do is the key to changing the story, the feeling and your life.

It's been powerful insights from my own coaches and mentors, that have really helped me on my journey to helping others.

The opportunity to work with a coach or therapist is underestimated and many don't understand the power that a great coach or therapist can give.

However it's those coaches that work in transformational coaching and therapy, who to me, are the one's who make the biggest impact and that's why celebrities, sports stars, politicians and the top 1% seek their services, but you can too.

The Four Types of Coaches

Many of you reading this maybe aware of business coaching or life coaching, you will I am sure have heard of psychotherapists and counsellors, but have you ever heard of Transformational Coaching?

Rick Litvin - Four Types of Coaches

I recently listened to a great podcast with my mentor Marisa Peer and Rich Litvin, whose book The Prosperous Coach is a must have for anyone mentoring, coaching or leading people at any level.

In the podcast, Marisa and Rich concluded that human transformation takes place where therapy and coaching overlap and I agree.

You see we have segmented these two modalities, and this is why transformational coaching/therapy (choose your label) works.

Transformational Coaching and Therapy delves into the space within us, where the feelings we feel and the stories we tell ourselves collide and this is where powerful changes take place.

You know what you know - But you don't know what you don't know

Brene Brown puts this perfectly:

"We like to think we are rational beings who occasionally have an emotion and flick it away, and carry on being rational".

But rather, she says: "We are emotional, feeling beings; who, on rare occasions, think."

Finding the root cause to how you feel is the key

We are who we are based on 2 key criteria:

The environment we are in and the people surrounding us.
This is why the famous saying attributed to St. Ignatius Loyola and also to Aristotle "Give me a child until he is seven and I will show you the man", is the key to helping people break free of anxiety, depression, not feeling good enough, to helping people embrace their difference and supporting people in living the life they deserve, one of purpose, love, peace and freedom.

That is what Transformational Therapists and Coaches do. Give insights and reframes to feelings not just thoughts and help you change your world forever. They help put
you back in the driving seat of the thing we call life.

Listen to these lyrics from Atomic Kittens hit single
Whole Again and imagine saying them to your own inner child, the one who was born perfect, but somewhere along the way became programmed by other peoples fears, doubts and concerns.

It's no coincidence that the track came from the album titled
Right Now, because your life can change right now, when you understand that you already have the answers to the questions you have been asking.

Put faith over fear, take action and choose, to trust to step into your real authentic self.

But if you need someone to help to understand what those inner lyrics mean and learn how to take back control, to fall madly in love with yourself once more and say:

I Can Make Me Whole Again then Get In Touch

… If you see me walking down the street
Staring at the sky
And dragging my two feet
You just pass me by
It still makes me cry
But you can make me whole again

… And If you see me with another man
Laughing and joking
Doing what I can
I won't put you down
'Cause I want you around
You can make me whole again

… Looking back on when we first met
I cannot escape and I cannot forget
Baby you're the one, you still turn me on
You can make me whole again

… Time is laying heavy on my heart
Seems I've got too much of it
Since we've been apart
My friends make me smile
If only for while
You can make me whole again

… Looking back on when we first met
I cannot escape and I cannot forget
Baby you're the one, you still turn me on

… You can make me whole again

… For now I'll have to wait
But baby if you change your mind

… Don't be too late
'Cause I just can't go on
It's already been too long
But you could make me whole again

… Looking back on when we first met
I cannot escape and I cannot forget
Baby you're the one, you still turn me on
You can make me whole again
Whoa - looking back on when we first met
I cannot escape and I cannot forget
Baby you're the one, you still turn me on
You can make me whole again
Oh baby you're the one, you still turn me on
You can make me whole again

This blog is dedicated to everyone out there who believes they are broken.

I just want to tell you that you are not broken, you are loved, you are amazing and you are enough.

You always have been and you always will be

Special Thanks to Kerry Katona for opening her home and her heart to me - You will never know how much our meeting yesterday meant

Kerry Katona 2022 and Joanna Scott Aspray

Left - Marcus Matthews 


Follow on Instagram @marcusamatthews 


Center - Kerry Katona


Follow on Instagram @kerrykatona7

Right - Joanna Scott-Aspray

Website -

Follow on Instagram @TheCheshireClub

The Master Mind principle:

"Two or more people actively engaged in the pursuit of a definite purpose with a positive mental attitude, constitute an unbeatable force.”

Napoleon Hill

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