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Avoiding The Magic Of Tomorrow, Because You Are Unwilling To Do What Is Required Today?

Marcus Matthews • 11 October 2023

The Illusion of Shortcuts: Unleashing the Hidden Magic in Embracing the Difficult

Create magic in your life
In a world so disconnected we believe the answers to connection lie outside us, when in fact the truth lies in the shadows of the things we do not want to see

How do you then navigate to build a life which brings love, peace, purpose and freedom?

We live in a world enchanted by the allure of quick fixes and instant gratification, stop and look at your Instagram or Tik Tok reels, see the veneer of success and beauty which entraps you in avoiding actually creating the life you dream of and this is not new by the way, it is built into our very biology.
For the mental masturbators out there watching inspiring videos on growth and development this blog is definitely for you.
With the growth of spiritual gurus on social media, their main work revolves around helping you numb your pain by helping you get a quick dopamine rush, this addiction to “Spiritual Awareness” is no different than drinking a bottle of wine, watching porn or picking up that cigarette.
What we crave is a shortcut, and there are millions of people ready to sell you that dream, so you don’t have to take responsibility of facing your shadows.

Whilst you crave to escape to a better life in the future you avoid creating that life now, because it's easier to dream of what could be rather than doing the work necessary to live the life you desire.
Our collective consciousness is ensnared in a complex web of desires, where we often find ourselves yearning for success without the crucible of taking responsibility to do the work.
Yes this is a hard hitting blog, but people you need to wake up, life doesn’t owe you anything, everyday you put off fixing that pain is another day closer to death.

Life is too short

The human psyche is intricately woven, its threads embodying a dichotomy of urges and fears, aspirations, and anxieties. We are at once propelled by our desires for greatness, and yet, paradoxically, impeded by our own apprehensions. It is an enigma that casts a long shadow over our journey to self-realisation and success.

Yet, the inescapable truth remains – there are no shortcuts. The path to attaining profound success and lasting happiness is seldom paved with ease. It is, instead, strewn with challenges, trials, and tribulations that demand our utmost vigour, resilience, and unwavering commitment.
Unlike the pursuit of beauty by going to the gym, which yes takes commitment and effort, the results from external hard work show physical rewards such as bigger biceps, more money, or status. Yet the pursuit of “doing the work”, going inside and sitting with yourself do not manifest results in a way that the ego benefits. We crave connection with others but what we really seek is connection with self, but there is no external quick fix to that.

Create the life you dream of

The lens in which we see the world is often warped and does not fully reveal the truth about our lives. Your subconscious mind holds the secrets to which you seek, but unlocking it can be difficult. Like building muscle, just lifting weights is not enough, you need to know how to lift the weight and the mind is no different.

In his book Atomic Habits James Clear speaks of Cue, Craving, Response and Reward and with physical hard work these atomic habits manifest into something you can see, feel and show to the world.

However creating the true self is a more difficult journey, and one that the majority will not invest in because it is easier to get the quick dopamine fix and let me share with you why.

The mind has one job, to keep you alive not happy. It is also the most energy hungry resource you possess, driving everything in your life.

It is hardwired to keep to the familiar and resists change.

Yet once harnessed and understood it will help you achieve things in your life you can never imagine.

Your thoughts and your feelings drive every physical aspect of your being, so like lifting a heavy weight, understanding how the mechanics of your body will support the weight, understanding how the mind supports your physiology is the key to reel growth.

As counterintuitive as it may seem, the magic lies not in evasion, but in confrontation. The things we avoid, the thoughts and feelings we shirk from, and the fears that invoke trepidation hold the keys to unlocking our most profound potential. Every task we dodge, every challenge we eschew, marks a lost opportunity to tap into the enigmatic forces that lie dormant within the recesses of our psyche.

Easy work is a mirage. It may proffer immediate gratification but it is fleeting, and offers scant nourishment to the soul. It is beyond the contours of comfort, in the tumultuous terrains of effort and endurance, where life unfurls its true hues, radiant and resplendent.

Tired and worn down, how can you break free

Facing what we avoid isn’t just an act of courage; it’s a ritual of liberation.

Every fear confronted, every challenge embraced, not only unravels pathways to success but also engenders a spirit of freedom, capability, and independence. Accept the inherent uncertainty of life, for it is in the unpredictable and unknown that the most profound learnings and revelations are birthed.
Recognise whilst you stay trapped in the pain and comfort of the familiar, you are a battery to someone else’s power and many would rather stay numb with life, hoping life will change until one day they realise life has passed and they look back and say “If only I had……”.

Is that you and if so what action are you taking to change it?

Time, ephemeral and unforgiving, waits for none. Every moment lost, every opportunity forsaken, is a step away from the grandeur of the life that could be yours.

In the words echoing through the annals of time, “Carpe Diem” – seize the day.

The magic isn’t to be sought; it’s to be unveiled, unearthed from the depths of the endeavours we are most inclined to evade.

Remember, the alchemy of transformation and transcendence isn’t the dominion of the distant stars or the cryptic cosmos. It lies ensconced within you, veiled by the very fears and challenges you are poised to face. Embrace them. For it is in this act of unflinching confrontation, the most sublime version of yourself awaits – ready to be awakened, ready to ascend.

Are you at the precipice, teetering between the known and the unknown, the comfortable and the challenging, and seek guidance to traverse this journey of metamorphosis, then reach out.
Together, we shall embark upon this odyssey of awakening, unveiling the magic that lies hidden, and ascending to pinnacles of success and happiness hitherto unimagined.
Remember knowledge is power and when you find the root cause to why you feel the way you do, when you feel safe in stepping into the darkness, when you understand the power of your mind, a whole new world opens up, one of self love, peace, freedom and purpose.
Let me help you unlock the vault of possibility which lies deep within you

Start Your Journey Today
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