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What is Your Secret Desire?

Marcus Matthews • 22 May 2020

I see you, you can't hide any more

Why do I feel so small

The one who is desperately trying to fit in, because you don’t want people to know your secret. 

I know deep down you feel unfilled and you are doing a job you thought would bring you happiness and riches but really your passion is dying right?

Not feeling good enough, not quite fitting in.   

Unable to communicate your deepest desire because if you do, you will be cast aside.

You need to fit in, but you are a square peg in a round hole.

How about those dreams you had as a kid, how are those working out for you?  

It’s not too late you know, to find yourself again.   

That mask you wear is getting painful right?   

But it is so familiar, painful but familiar.   

Weighed down, you have been carrying this for so long.

Fancy actually living the life you want?

Not the life you have?

Stop carrying that load, create a lighter life, the life you secretly desire?

Oh by the way I don’t mean the one you think you want.

The house, The job, The car, The clothes. 

Those are the things that you are seeking to validate yourself in the world, to prove how successful you are, those things enslave you.

Gold, Glory, Girls and Guys will not bring you happiness until you find you again.
What are you doing to validate you?

1. Freedom, Peace, Love, Self-worth, Purpose, Finding Your Why
These things come from within, only you can create these feelings   

2. Anxiety, Procrastination, Blame, Guilt, Shame

You create these so which do you want .........

You see I didn’t want help, I didn’t want someone telling me what to do. 
I didn’t want to live my life according to the perspectives of others.  
I wanted to know my truth, my purpose.   

"Please don’t follow my path, let me show you the easier way, I have walked the path you are on and I can guide you quickly off it onto a path which will eventually take you where you secretly want to be".

My secret desire is quite simple  

I want to help people unlock their truth, so they can go out into the world, according to what makes them feel happy, free and to create a life that will infect the whole world with freedom, positivity, love and joy.  

For some people reading this you will say – What a Load of Crap
For some people you will feel this is what you want but there is no way you will take that mask off.
But you, the one reading this

The one who has had enough of living a suppressed life, a half life, a life that feels you are one step from giving up

I am talking to you   


Fearful, scared and doubtful, to put faith over fear, take a chance and make that call, not knowing the outcome?   

You do have a choice?
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